Feinstein details harrowing CIA "enhanced interrogation" techniques - VIDEO

  10 December 2014    Read: 1270
Feinstein details harrowing CIA "enhanced interrogation" techniques - VIDEO
Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Senator Dianne Feinstein says CIA detainees were "stripped naked, diapered, physically struck and put in various painful stress positions" in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
ROUGH CUT (NO REPORTER NARRATION) A program of "enhanced interrogation" used by the CIA on terrorism suspects after the 2001 attacks was far more brutal than the agency admitted and failed to secure information that foiled any threats, a U.S. Senate report said on Tuesday. The report said the CIA misled the public and policymakers about the program, much of which was developed, operated and assessed by two outside contractors. "In contrast to CIA representations, detainees were subjected to the most aggressive techniques immediately, stripped naked, diapered, physically struck and put in various painful stress positions for long period of time. They were deprived of sleep for days, in one case up to 180 hours, that`s seven and a half days -- over a week with no sleep, usually standing, or in stress positions," Senator Feinstein, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee said. The report followed a five-year investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee into the program, meant to extract information from al Qaeda and other detainees held in detention facilities around the world.

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